You’d be surprised how fast we can turn things around

The Conundrum

Jo from Purple Co had just finished a project that had taken her 12 months to complete and needed to market it in 4 days.

She needed 3 brochures (two 8 page DL brochures and one 12 pages larger brochure) designed, printed and delivered within 3 days. We also reformatted her business card into a square to compliment the Purple Co logo.

Jo had already completed the content for 2 of the brochures and was just ironing out the last one. She gave us a brief on what she was aiming to do along with the type of images she thought would compliment her companies look and feel.

The Resolution

Our in-house graphic designer started designing and sourcing appropriate images straight away, following the companies style guide. Within 2 days Jo’s suite of 3 brochures and new look business cards were ready to print.

The production team took over and by the end of day 3 (with much relief) everything was printed, packed, and delivered to Jo’s doorstep ready for marketing the next day.

It was great to hear from Jo a couple of days later, telling us what a ‘great success’ her launch was and how happy she was with our service.

Contact Us

The next time you’re in a bit of a jam and need help getting a project out on time, contact us and we’ll be happy to help you get across the line.