Advertising Agencies

If you run an Advertising Agency, you’re exactly the type of customer we love to work with. In fact, we think of it more as a partnership than a supplier / customer relationship.

We can help you to be successful when you’re pitching an idea to your clients.

How do we do that?

  • If you have story boards or enlargements to use in your presentation, we’ll print them for FREE and mount them on 5mm foamboard for FREE.
  • If you have designs for proposed business cards, flyers, brochure, postcards, booklets etc we’ll print samples of all of them for FREE.
  • “What’s the catch?” I hear you asking. Well, in return we want the opportunity to quote on printing the final work for you if it’s approved. It may be that your client is handling the printing, and will get their own quotes; in that instance we ask that you put us forward to your client to provide an alternate quote to their incumbent print supplier.

You are probably in a competitive bidding situation where your client will take presentations from two or three agencies. Therefore it is imperative that you make the best possible presentation of your strategy and concepts.

We all know that half of your audience will be happy to see the concepts on screen, and that the other half are much more tactile and therefore need to have samples in their hand. The problem is that you often don’t know which members of your audience are which.

You understand that paying commercial rates to print your story boards and samples can be very expensive. We understand that you have already invested heavily through your team to create the presentation and concepts. By each of us doing what we do best, you can make the best possible presentation to your client.